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Integrated Coaching Approach

To help you navigate the required transformations I am proud to present a new innovative "Integrated Coaching Concept" which combines mentoring and political re-framing, systemic coaching and play-acting training for selected situations.


The Components of the Integrated Coaching Concept:


  • Political/strategic (re-)framing: how does the coachee view his/her (business/professional and private) environment and what are his/her main needs for change (and how can this be tied to specific types of situations)?
    Note: this is more of a strategic/political mentoring
    Responsible: Peter Wollmann


  • Personal analysis: which personality traits and what effects lead to "development barriers" of the coachee(s)?
    Note: this is classic systemic coaching, Gudrun Pleuger, an experienced leader and systemic coach, is responsible

  • Practicing situations that are perceived as difficult/stressful (through acting lessons).
    Note: this is a targeted application of acting lessons in the form of role-playing, etc.

  • Responsible: Sabina Kukuk, a certified play-actor and also a coach. The "substance" for this is defined from the two other areas of urgent needs of the coach.

Naturally, the boundaries between the 3 areas are somewhat fluid. The advantage of 3 coaches/mentors for you is that the coachee gets a comprehensive perspective.


The coaching will be iterative, with regular feedback loops and recalibration of alignment, goals and procedures in the coaching team and with the coachee(s).


The weighting of the 3 areas mentioned is coordinated individually. Of course, the 3 areas can also be booked individually.


It may be that during any of the phases of the coaching, problematic situations are analyzed which make a targeted psychotherapeutic counselling seem sensible. Hannspeter (see below) will be available to support with any assessments, including the question if longer-term therapy might be helpful.

About the Coaches


Peter Wollmann has been a responsible manager, initiator, mentor and facilitator in large, predominantly global transformations and strategic developments for almost 40 years in large organizations and since 2017 as independent consultant. Peter holds a degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Bonn. He is the author and publisher of several books and articles on strategy, leadership, and project and project portfolio management.


Gudrun Pleuger has been for years among others responsible for project management, project portfolio management and change management concept development, implementation and maintenance in diverse contexts and on diverse hierarchical levels in different enterprises. She is also an expert in new work and realization of innovative office concepts. Gudrun is furthermore a successful certified systemic coach.


Sabina Kukuk is an actress, coach, freelance graphic designer and playwright. She studied media design at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf and graduated with a diploma in graphic design. Later, she also studied at the Theatre Academy Cologne (TAK) and earned a diploma in stage and film performance. She also successfully participated in several workshops at the famous Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London. Sabina has also recently performed in a number of key roles on various stages. In parallel, she has conducted several very successful conflict management workshops for companies. Sabina is perfectly suited to rehearse and practice the fundamental and practical behavioural and performance changes analysed as crucial in mentoring and systemic coaching through the means of show-play.


Dr Hannspeter Schmid studied communication, ethnology, religion and psychology in Cologne, Marburg and Bonn. He has a Ph.D. in psychology and is qualified as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist. He worked at various universities as a lecturer and assistant professor, trainer and supervisor for psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. He was head of the Psychological Council in Cologne and also works as a freelance management consultant. Hannspeter is the right choice for all situations that go beyond coaching and require a real psychoanalytic approach. It can help to decide whether a broader therapeutic treatment might be useful or even necessary.

Interested in exploring how this new integrated coaching approach can help your organization? Please contact me!
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