Three Pillars Approach
of organization and leadership in disruptive times
Interview with Bob Dignen and Peter Wollmann
"Three Pillars" is an overarching approach for transformation initiatives in the 21st Century business world.
Focusing on the concepts Sustainable Purpose, Travelling Organisation and Connected resources, "Three Pillars" was developed by a global joint initiative of managers, consultants and scientists. The first tranche of results of the collaboration of the 19 firstly involved authors and editors were published by Springer in 2020, the second tranche, this time with 29 authors and editors, was published in 2021. The third tranche with 15 authors and 15 interviewees was published in 2022.
The authors and editors represent 5 continents, more than 15 countries and about 50 different organizations, almost 20 of which are large global players.
All books can be purchased directly from Springer (Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3). All books have also been translated into German using AI and are available at Springer Gabler. (Buch 1 | Buch 2 | Buch 3)
For additional information about Three Pillars, please the PDF presentation.
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Further Background and Future Developments
The interdisciplinary teams of authors:
Book 1:
Tim Burmeister
Alberto Casagrande
Bernadette Cass
James Chamberlain
Bob Dignen
Volker Hische
Nicole Hönig de Locarnini
Isabell Huschka
Michael Kempf
Frank Kühn
Christal Lalla
Sharon Lalla
Alfred Mevissen
Mersida Ndrevataj
Reto Püringer
Fernando Sanabria
Hannspeter Schmidt
Marie Schmidt
Peter Wollmann
Book 2:
Markus Beer
Philipp Bosselmann
Giancarla Domini
Dieter Fellner
John Gray
Dieter Haselbach
Nicole Hoenig de Locarnini
Paul Hombach
Janina Kempf
Michael U. Kempf
Sebastian Kespohl
Daniel Kunstleben
Frank Kühn
Christal Lalla
Susanne Marell
Mersida Ndrevataj
Reto Püringer
Benjamin Rausch
Ehssan Sakhaee
Jürgen Scherer
Marie Theres Schmidt
Lisa Schulze
Jan Sølvberg
Thomas Thirolf
Stefan Turnwald
Jutta Wenzl
Georg Wiesinger
Peter Wollmann
Julia Zirn
Book 3:
The Authors
Alberto Casagrande
Annabelle Keller
Ashkan Tashvir
Babette Drewniok
Beatriz von der Esch
Christal Lalla
Christina Bösenberg
Ehsan Sakhaee
Fernando Sanabria
Hannspeter Schmidt
Lukas Stricker
Maren Giebing
Mersida Ndratvaj
Myria Antony
Nathan Williams
Peter Wollmann
Rainer Sommer
Reto Püringer
Roland Voggenauer
The Interviewees
Christian Orator
Cindy Cui
Claudia Lemke
Dagmar Monett
Daniel Englberger
David Colmenares
Jörg Schneider
Jürg Hauswirth
Lapo Tanzj
Martin Kirchner-Anzinger
Rainer Sommer
Sebastian Kespohl
Stefan Pap
Thomas Thirolf
Uwe Schöpe
Overarching Approach: Three Pillars
Sustainable Purpose
A convincing ‘what for‘ and ‘reason why‘ is necessary to make sure that topics are elabora-ted with inspiration and ambition to create real value and top support.
Travelling Organization
Only letting oneself in for the dynamics of the markets leads to success on a joint journey with trust in the collective capabilities and behaviour.
Concentrating on joint development of our strategies, projects, resources and capabilities instead of dividing and creating silos
Further Books from the 3-P-Community
Recently, Michael Kempf and Frank Kühn as editors and an international author team published a new book named "Navigating a Travelling Organization: Insights, Ideas and Impulses from the 3-P-Model" at SpringerNature.
The book has its focus on insights, ideas, impulses on how to navigate a travelling organization towards its future under uncertain conditions such as crisis, disruption, and continuous change.
The book is intended as a reader for the 3-P application, offering effective approaches and perspectives, inspirations, and fresh thinking for navigating organizations towards future success.